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A two tale of two birds

The California Family have recently moved into their new abode. Chloe A Little Bit has her very own cottage out back and loves it. She is experiencing some new adventures though. One evening she came into the main house and asked her mom to google a picture of a opossum and said sure enough that was what she’d seen at her doorway. Another day she came in and asked for help getting a hummingbird out of her cottage, it had flown in through an open window. CaliforniaDreamin’ Dad went out but after several attempts without success, and realizing there was no magic answer to this dilemma, Chloe said she would take over. She carefully went over and just picked up the tiny bird in the palm of her hand, carried it outside, and before flying away, it perched on her finger. Chloe’s mom, who had been watching the whole scene play out, said it was reminiscent of a scene in Snow White.

The second bird story takes place in Montana with Denali as the villain. I believe this is only the second time Denali has caught a bird.

I was sitting and knitting when I noticed Denali come in from the deck laying a little bundle at my feet. She was very proud of her catch and wanted to share. Upon close inspection I realized it was a chickadee and the little bird immediately flipped over and began flying around the house. While in the dining room it flew into a window and landed on the floor once again.

Hubby was gold panning and I was left alone to handle the situation myself. I put my big girl panties on, channeled Chloe A Little Bit, and scooped up the dear little chickadee. Its spindly legs were tucked up to its chest and it was as still as could be. I wasn’t sure the bird was still alive but upon closer inspection I noticed one eye blinking up at me. Good, I hoped it was just a little stunned. Quickly I opened the door and placed the little bird on the  arm of a chair out front.  When I checked back later it had disappeared. Everyone is grateful except Denali who promptly went outside on the deck and began catching bugs!

Thank you Chloe for giving me the courage to pick up the little bird.
