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Gifts from Christmas past

Recently,  Franklin Habit wrote a post about some old magazines that were a standard in his family home. It brought back a Christmas memory I had forgotten.

Every year I looked forward to the Christmas issue of Family Circle to arrive in the grocery store. Hubby and I were broke college students and newlyweds and this magazine virtually guaranteed I would find an inexpensive Christmas gift for some family member.
One year I knit Dad golf club covers from a pattern in the magazine. They were gold covers with brown purl rowed stripes to show what wood it was. I didn't play golf and I wanted Dad to have a great gift. Four covers were okay but he had many more clubs and isn't more always better?? Dad laughed so hard but used all the covers with much teasing from his golfing buddies.

I also knit my brothers ties from the magazine. In fact, a tie was my first commissioned work. I still have the pattern for the tie in my pattern collection.
