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Dear Emptyknitster,

Yesterday's entry resulted in my first comment/question on exciting! 

Andrea said...
These socks look great! But please, tell me how in the world you get the colors to line up! I can't seem to figure it out.

Dear Andrea,

This has been the topic of several discussions at the LYS. Should a person even worry about the colors in a pair of socks matching up? We finally decided that it is more the personality of the knitter making that decision than what is said in a book or what others think. I am very structured and need things to be precise - even if it means sacrificing yarn to do it!

So, with that being said, first I like top down socks best because they allow the knitter to start exactly where they want in the color sequence that later will be showing above the shoe. Then, I take my yarn from one end of the ball of yarn, either the inside end or the outside end - BUT - you can't change or do two socks at the same time from the same ball. If you do,  the sequence of the colors will reverse on each sock.

When you have completed one sock, look carefully at the sequence of colors and then start pulling yarn from the ball of yarn until you line up the sequence of colors. Carefully save the yarn that is have pulled because, if necessary, you can finish the second sock's toe with the bit you pulled.

Andrea, I hope this helps with your next pair of striped socks. Thanks for dropping by with a question.

Happy Knitting!
Mrs. G.


  1. I'm so glad to be your first comment! Thanks for the info about the socks. I've only knit one sock (yes, just the one) but the next pair I do I'd like to use the Ty Dy socks so I was stewing a bit over how to get them the same. And I guess I am a bit of a control freak and like things nice and organized and just so. So I definitely need my socks to match!

  2. Yes, emptyknitster and I have had this conversation....matchy match or not. As conservative a dresser as I am, I use my handknit socks to show what a "rebel" I am at heart and do NOT match.


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