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When it snows, it blizzards!

Oh my Gosh! Without even watching the weatherman on TV I know that the air pressure is changing. I know this to be true because of the behavior of my students today! It was one heck of a day - proof, I'm having a beer as I'm writing!

Damn those Californians, why can't they just buck up and take all the weather? H2O and all! There's supposed to be a major snowstorm arriving tomorrow. Just like hospitals know when a full moon arrives there are babies to deliver, a teacher knows that when air pressure changes and a storm is coming the students go crazy!

I had a student in at lunch recess burst into tears (blubber) because he had to finish (START) his morning assignments.  I told him that he had made the choice to play earlier and so now had to do his work while the others were enjoying their recess. He told me he wasn't playing...Okay, to clarify son, if you choose to sit there and do nothing you will do work when others are playing. AND by the way, don't yell at me! - when a person that works at this school tells you to do something, just do it. If I tell you to jump, you ask how high! Now sit down and think about that for a minute.

After the minute goes by, (and he tries to sneak out of the room) I summon him to my desk and hoping for an apology ask him what he has to say to me. "When you say jump, I say HOW HIGH!"
Oh Hell, go to lunch!
