Place the next 8 stitches of the body onto stitch holders and knit the next 28 stitches of the remaining sleeve onto the body. Knit the final 18 stitches of the front. 18 right side front 28 sleeve 41 body 28 sleeve 18 left side body 133 total stitches Now you are ready to begin on page 92, line 8: Beg with a purl row, cont in St st for 5(9, 13) rows. Work in garter st for 4 rows, then work in seed st for 6 rows.
You will graft the 8 (16 total) underarm stitches when you have finished knitting the sweater.
Lucinda, I hope that this gets you through your difficulty. I will be finishing this little sweater, and will post any other bumps in the road that I may see along the way!
Just a Test!
ReplyDeleteEnjoying reading your blog, but doesn't a sweater have a yoke?
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm a novice knitter working on this sweater and I had the same difficulty. I think I finally get it - so glad you posted this with pictures!!