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Showing posts from April 22, 2018

Cookie dough memories

This week Chloe was making some cookies and made the comment she liked cookie dough almost more than the cookies themselves. As a young girl my paternal grandmother would make the rotation from sibling to sibling for a six month stay with each famiiy. She was usually treated as a guest but in the fifth - seventh grades Mom worked part time and Grandma would step in and help with the cooking. (My first experience with sauerkraut)  She would often make cookies in the afternoon and once in frustration said, "Maybe I shouldn't bother even cooking them. I think you kids would eat all the dough raw if I'd let you." My brother's and I looked at each other, our eyes lighting up and quickly agreed to the offer, hoping she was serious! Chloe comes from a long line of cookie dough eaters!