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Showing posts from June 24, 2013

More critters

Hubby was out mowing the North Forty when I got a call, "There are bunnies hopping all over around here! They are flying from one high spot to another and heading your way!" Intrigued I grabbed the camera and headed outside. I imagine they were feeling a bit like the students who just finished the school year, totally carefree! They were running, jumping, and dodging each other through the tall grass. I tried to get a photo but was spotted. Thinking I could sneak around the vehicle and capture a great picture off I went. Only to be brought up short by a little bunny headed full steam in my direction. He screeched to a halt three feet in front of me and we both froze playing a little game of "chicken."   He was the first to run off. What do bunnies act like? Chicken!