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Showing posts from February 13, 2010

Birthday socks!

It will be interesting to see if my oldest brother is keeping up with my blog.....because if he is, his birthday present will not be a surprise at all! It has taken a while, but I wanted to knit each of my siblings a pair of socks for their birthday and Steve's are the last pair!! I just finished the socks this morning which is a good thing because I'm also in the knitting Olympics and need to use every spare minute of my two week Olypmic time to complete a sweater I started last March, but more on that later.   Pattern: Peter's Socks by Nancy Bush Yarn: Knit One Crochet Too Ty-Dy Socks Needle Size: US 2 Colorway: Butter Blue I'll also be delivering some socks to my sister in law. They have been done since August, I just haven't gotten around to getting them to her!   Pattern: Jaywalker by Grumperina Yarn: Lane Cervinia Forever Needle size: US 6 Amount: 2 skeins

Kids say the darndest things

When I was a very young girl, and there were only black and white tvs, there was a man named Art Linkletter who had a variety show during the day called "House Party". My mom would often watch it and I remember enjoying the section called, Kids Say the Darndest Things.  Because I'm a teacher I often get a chuckle at school over the things I'm told. The latest story reminded me of Mr. Linkletter and his kids. This week a boy in my class was relaying to me the sad death of his friend's dog as we were going to lunch: "Mrs. G. my friend's dog died a few days ago. He had two dogs, Sunny and Joan. Sunny died and they took it to the vet. They disintegrated him...." The little guy was struggling here, using his hands to show me the small size that Sunny had shrunk to, and saying the word disintegrate over and over looking up at me not quite sure I was understanding the information he was relaying to me. I put a two and two together and gently said, ...