Recently while visiting with the California Gurl, she suggested that I make a 2011 "This Year's To Do List" similar to the list from last summer . I have to say that it's been difficult. In my mind the year is split into two equal parts. Most teachers feel as I do, one half of the year - school ; second half of the year - summer (I know, I know, mathematically they aren't equal). Not only is it divided that way for most of us but somehow almost everything in a teacher's everyday life goes into suspended animation during the school year except the class they are responsible for. Then we go into overdrive all summer just trying to catch up with family, chores and relaxation! I'm going to try to take a giant leap and the biggest "To Do" Item is not to let school entirely consume my life. So, today's list is for the school half of the year. My summer "To Do List" will come about when it's summer and the spirit moves me because ...
And Her Never Ending knitting