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Showing posts from July 11, 2014

More family

Last night the Oregon boys arrived. They are settling in nicely. This morning there was a little game playing, before we set of for a walking tour of the Rims put on by Western Heritage Center. Everyone found the tour interesting. There was a little Native American folklore, as well as how Billings was founded. I was pleased to finally have an answer to why Billings is laid out so strangely, not taking advantage of the beautiful Yellowstone River. Billings is a city formed by the NP Railroad. As the railroad forged across the country the government gave them land in checkerboard fashion. Here in the valley for some reason there are two plots of land up against each other rather than corner to corner. This is now downtown Billings. The track and old depot go right along the boundary of each, one side is the Southside including Minnesota Avenue and the other side includes Montana Avenue.  Also because of the winds usually blowing west to east the industrial section was on the ...

A boy and his cat

The Pirate has only been around grumpy old cats, ones that only see kiddos as unnecessary interruptions in an otherwise perfect live. Over the years he quietly wormed his way into Nkkos heart with his gentle ways but it had taken years and The Pirate growing up. Now there is a new kitten and it took only a few days for them to form a bond, kitten learning "The Boy", for I'm sure this is her name for him, could be trusted and "The Boy" learning he could touch her without a lightning quick paw scratching an outstretched hand. The kitten is happy with me each morning - until she hears footsteps on the stairs and at that moment she rises up on her hind legs, her neck extended just waiting for her first glimpse of "The Boy"! He is learning her daily habits and is waiting for her after the daily three and half hour morning nap with a quick snack and her favorite toy. There is nothing sweeter than a boy and his cat!