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Showing posts from June 24, 2014

Winner, winner, chicken dinner 2014!

Every year our family has a contest called " The first Fawn of the Season ." The rules have evolved over the years. 1) Not only is it the sighting of a fawn but 2) it must be documented for the win.  Over a week ago, while I was in Helena, Hubby excitedly texted the first sighting of the year.  However, at the time he was responding to a general alarm and so no photo. This gave not only me but the two grandkiddos a chance to hunt down the win! We've been on the lookout ever since... but to no avail. This morning, on Hubby's way to work, he took this photo:   Not one fawn for the win but two! - I bow down to the winner, great documentation!

Guest Blogger

This weekend we tested went out the camper with two additional occupants and I'm pleased to have one of the grandkiddos as a guest blogger. Thank you Chloe-A-Little-Bit! I am visiting my grandma for a couple weeks this summer and we went to Yellowstone. Camping: Day 1 On the first day of the camping trip we hiked down to a river and went gold panning. On our hike down, we saw the state flower the Bitterroot, and some other pretty blossoms. We also had to cross a stream. Cameron had a go first, and with Grandpa’s help, got a few specks of gold. He enjoyed it very much. I sat reading for a bit and then joined in and got a few gold specks as well. We hiked up the hill to the car and went to bed. Update: It appears that although my Guest blogger has taken beautiful photos and written her blog she bailed on me and so I'll complete and publish her entry :) Camping: Day 2 On the second day we drove through Yellowstone and saw th...