I haven't had a cold in a long time...years maybe. I fought the good fight most of the week, trying to keep the dreaded cold at bay: lots of sleep, plenty of liquids, and extra vitamin C, but nothing could keep it from invading my body. I think it's the worst cold in history, but probably it's because I haven't had one for a while, cotton stuffed head, eyes that feel like the are about to swell shut, ears bordering on hurting, runny nose and sore throat. I'm trying to put on a good front, it's the weekend after all, the weather is picking up, the sun's out and warming us up. So in goes a dose of cold medicine, out come the flip-flops and off we go! Heading back home I begin to think that I'm feeling better, the head's clearing and the nose not dripping so much - but my feet don't feel quite right........ Dang!