My third graders read a story every year called The Keeping Quilt . It is about a family that immigrates to the United States from Russia. As most people of past generations, this family was very frugal and when their clothes wore out they still found uses for the remaining sturdy bits and pieces. The family in the story makes a quilt from the old clothing, and the quilt is passed down from one generation to the next. I love this story, it allows me to bring and share the baby quilt that my Great-grandmother made for my mother when she was born. This quilt was made from pieces of clothes that I'm sure had seen better days. I like to believe that some were from my Great-grandfather's "Sunday go to meeting shirt" or my Great-grandmother's dress, and maybe even her mother's dress. My Great-grandmother and Great-grandfather, Catherine Hedges Jamison and Alfred Jamison, were pioneers who settled in Kansas and later in Estes Park Colorado. They raised a large fa...